
Advanced 3D maps for outdoor adventures.

Advanced 3D maps for outdoor adventures.

Fatmap has built a complete outdoor map stack to be the operating system for outdoor activities.

Germany, Europe

Misha Gopaul

Fatmap is a consumer app that lets outdoor enthusiasts experience the full lifecycle of outdoor adventures (Discover, Plan, Live, Share). For example a backcountry ski tourer in the French alps can discover routes taken by others before, looking at a detailed 3D map and referencing photos and videos taken by other ski tourers. He can then plan his individual tour based with exact information on relevant metrics (altitude, length, underground material, etc.). During the tour, progress is tracked and the consumer is guided along his route using the 3D map on their smartphone. Finally the user can share content and metrics with social networks and the community.

Fatmap has built a complete outdoor map stack to be the operating system for outdoor activities.
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