
Nex Gen. Biometric authentication

Nex Gen. Biometric authentication

Platform that eliminates the need for businesses to store and manage passwords, biometric data, cryptographic keys and other sensitive personal information, without compromising on convenience.

England, Europe

Andrea Carmignani

Fabian Eberle

Paolo Gasti

Giuseppe Ateniese

In an era where personal information is no longer private and passwords are commonly reused, stolen or cracked, the traditional method of protecting access to data and services by username and password has repeatedly proven to be inadequate. Keyless is a team of scientists and entrepreneurs pioneering a solution to this large-scale structural issue of the internet. The Keyless team have built a novel biometric authentication platform that eliminates the need for businesses to store and manage passwords, biometric data, cryptographic keys and other sensitive personal information, without compromising on convenience and privacy for their employees or end-users. We’re pumped to watch the Keyless team build the future of authentication.

Platform that eliminates the need for businesses to store and manage passwords, biometric data, cryptographic keys and other sensitive personal information, without compromising on convenience.
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